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Students Utilizing Google Sites as Digital Portfolios

As a Google Apps For Education district our students have the ability to create Google Sites with limited sharing permissions. This is great news for teachers who want to have their students build a website, but don’t want their students’ work to be public on the web.

Over the past few weeks in 7th grade English/Language Arts classes at my school site, students have created digital reflective portfolios via Google Sites.  For some students, and teachers, Google Sites can be a complicated and daunting task, so I decided to put together a series of instructional videos for my students to watch as they build their Google Sites.  I housed all videos on my YouTube account, so my students would always have access to them.  

Please feel free to use my videos in your classroom or to help you make your own Google Site. You can access all fifteen video here.

Note: Sometimes when watching the YouTube videos at school, some of the videos would be blocked due to safety mode. This varied by student, and some students did not have a problem with any of the videos.


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