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Showing posts from December, 2014

Fierce Wonderings

What do you fiercely wonder about?  What do you want the answer too?  What do you want to discover? These are some of the questions I use to kick-off my Fierce Wonderings unit in my classroom.  In this unit of study students are given 100% ownership and decide what they want to learn about for the next five weeks. Students conduct research and find credible, reliable, and valid sources to help answer or solve their Fierce Wonderings. This is my favorite unit to teach in my classroom because I can see the excitement my students experience as they choose and navigate what to learn about.  At the conclusion of the unit students submit a research paper detailing their Fierce Wonderings findings, present an interactive presentation to their peers, and share their research at the Fierce Wondering Exhibit.   This year I was particularly impressed with my students’ imagination and creativity as they demonstrated their learning. One group conducted a live news b...